I focus on programming web applications and web APIs using NET Core & NodeJS.

For JavaScript web applications, I am usually using React, Redux and TypeScript for Angular.

For server-side web applications, I am using especially ASP-NET Core MVC with the MSSQL Server.

I am very interested in identity and access management (OpenID Connect & OAuth 2 protocols).

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๐Ÿš€ My open source projects

CSS Generator Tool

A CSS generator that helps you demonstrate and quickly generate CSS declarations for your website. It comes with many useful generator tools with many options and they demonstrate instanly. Thus it also helps demonstrates many CSS properties in a visual understandable way. Please choose one of the tools above and then adjust the options accordingly. CSS declarations are just one click away

Monday CRM Clone App

This is an example React Monday CRM Clone application using a DataStax Astra DB free tier database.

Public React App DEMO

Public Monday API DEMO

IdentityServer4.Admin UI-Angular-13

- The administration for the IdentityServer4 and Angular Application.

IdentityServer4.Admin - The administration for the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity

IdentityServer4 - It's an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2 framework.

100+ unique mini-projects to sharpen your HTML, CSS & JavaScript skills

This is mini projects for hands-on web development using HTML/CSS/JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, ReactJS, UI Framework, Redux, Figma.

5 Mini web apps

- 5 Mini web applications build using ReactJS + NextJS + TypeScript.

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๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Skills

Web Developer: 2017 โ€“ present

Responsible for:

- Developing web applications and web APIs (ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Web Forms, NodeJS, SharePoint 2010).

- Dev/Ops Lending Solution, Report collection System, None-Core.

- Unit and integration testing of Asp.Net Core MVC apps (xUnit, Selenium).

- Securing web applications/APIs and managing user identity (OAuth2, OpenID Connect).

- Persisting generated data (MS SQL Server, Oracle) - T-SQL, EF Core, Dapper.

- Development of browser clients (jQuery, jQuery UI, AngularJS, TypeScript for Angular, React and Redux).

- Building of real-time web services (SignalR).


- GIT โ€“ Bitbucket, Gitlab, JIRA.

- Continuous integrations - Appveyor, Heroku, Azure DevOps

Frontend Web Developer: 2014 - 2017

Responsible for:

- Developing web applications (ASP.NET Web MVC, ASP.NET Web Form, Bootstrap 3).

- Development of browser clients (jQuery, jQuery UI and AngularJS.

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๐Ÿ“š Programming Education

MCSA: Web Applications - 2018

(Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate)

Responsive web design โ€“ (2019)

(Freecodecamp Certified Solutions Web design)

Back End Development and APIs Certification (2021)

(Freecodecamp Certified Solutions Backend & APIs)

My favorite web sites for learning the programming skills are egghead.io and Frontendmasters.com.

๐Ÿ”‘ OpenID Connect & OAuth 2 for Web Apps and Web APIs

OpenID Connect & OAuth 2 for Web Apps and Web APIs


Icons mainly - https://fontawesome.com

Besides the schemas contain the icons from these projects:

OAuth2 - ย OpenID Connect - ย ReactJS - ย Angular - ย .NET Core - ย skoruba.com.